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Why We're All Scared to Death of Uber--and What to Do About It

Will an aggressive Silicon Valley alpha personality take over your industry and completely disrupt it? Could the livelihood you spent the last 5, or 10 or 20 years building become unprofitable overnight?
All of the backseat driving many of us are doing about Uber reflects something huge that is coming to a head. None of us want to give up the goodies the digital economy has brought—whether it is free music and reading material or cheap cab rides—but as Uber growth makes abundantly clear, someone always gets hurt and loses work when there’s disruption. And most of us hope we’re not the next to find ourselves staring, deer in the headlights, as a disruptor mows us down along with the rules of our industry. We don’t want the years we spent earning degrees, mastering our craft, or bringing the love to our customers to be devalued–possibly to zero. That’s true even as we jump into that very convenient cab.
So what can you do to avoid being roadkill? It seems like there are two main ways: (a) figure out how to become independently wealthy (b) think like you’re a one-person business, even if technically, you’re not–and be prepared to pivot like you’re in a dance video on YouTube.
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Since I haven’t figured out how to do “a,” let’s jump straight to “b.” One employer, who runs a New York City consultancy, recently told me that the resumes he gets from millennial are now mostly from those operating one-person LLCs. They don’t want to be tied down to a 9 to 5 situation and would rather be contractors hired on a recurring basis. They consider it more secure. They’re onto something. If they find a job worth taking for a while, they can always back-burner the LLC until they want to freelance again.
“Work is no longer work,” as Peter Sorgenfrei, CEO of Somewhere, a U.K.-based platform that matches employers with talent, put it to me when we talked last week. “It’s a series of projects. People are not looking for a job. They’re looking for a project.” Whether that is three years working for a company in their city or three months freelancing for a start-up in Brazil, it’s still a project in the eyes of the site’s users, he says. “They don’t really want a job in a traditional sense,” he says.
This is the future. And the biggest source of stability will be skills. If you want a full-time job, recent LinkedIn research showed that the top 25 most in-demand skills that landed people traditional jobs were mostly technical and drills down to which specific ones they are. The Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook, tedious as the name sounds, is also a good source of ideas.
But if you’d rather stay independent, different skills may make you more marketable because they tend to be outsourced. Freelance platform Elance-oDesk found in recent research that independent workers who have learned Swift, Apple’s new programming language, are particularly sought after. Elance-oDesk has found that there was 160% growth in job postings for freelancers who use Swift in December alone. “The adoption by freelancers has been a lot more rapid than we’ve seen with other programming languages,” Rich Pearson, a senior vice president at Elance-oDesk, told me recently.
The freelancers who collectively saw the greatest jump in earnings in 2014 were customer service agents (up 92%), user interface designers (up 68%), front-end web developers (up 54%), iOS mobile developers (up 45%), accountants (up 43%) and video producers (up 37%). The skills for which the most job postings were listed on the platform were QA testing (up 147%), video editing (up 133%), Xero accounting (up 113%), Zendesk customer service (up 97%) and source code management (up 61%).

One piece of good news is that many of these skills don’t require a college degree—which at least gives the average person a chance of acquiring them without racking up lots of debt. You can pick up some in short boot camps and online courses.
“I think we’re only going to see a steady increase in the cost of education,” says Nicholas Wyman, author of Job U: How to find wealth and success by developing the skills companies actually need. Wyman is also CEO of the Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation, which develops mentoring programs for corporations and places individuals in apprenticeship programs around the world.
For many people who need work, Wyman says, the decision to get an additional degree to pick up needed skills “will have to get down to the practicalities. Is this a realistic option—or is there another way I can get to the same end goal?”
We’re all going to have to figure answers like this for ourselves—and quickly. In an on-demand era, seizing the moment matters.

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