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Yes why not?, You Can Date A Co-Worker: Here's How

If you ask me where I’d like my only daughter to meet a guy, I’m not going to say “At a bar” or “Online.” Dating is scary these days, more so than when I met my husband thirty years ago. The workplace is a perfectly wonderful place to meet a person and start a romantic relationship.
You have to be professional about it, of course. You can’t play footsie under the conference room table and annoy your co-workers, but of course you can date a coworker, and there’s no good reason not to.

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At work, you get to see how a person thinks and acts. You get to see his or her sense of humor. Work is a safe place to observe a person and interact with him or her, and a great place to get to know someone you might get involved with romantically. Years ago, it was considered very ‘not done’ to date a coworker, but those days are long gone.
As long as you conduct yourself professionally, the worst thing that can happen when you date a colleague is that if the relationship doesn't work out, the interaction may be uncomfortable enough that one of you decides to leave the organization or at least the department.
So what? People change jobs every day.
Don't listen to fussy ninnies who tell you that there’s something unseemly or unprofessional about dating someone you work with. My mom was my dad’s secretary at the Georgetown Alumni Association back in 1950, and they ended up getting married and raising eight kids.
Of course, today we'd be horrified at the thought of a manager date an employee who reported to him. Luckily for me and my siblings, things were looser in that arena in 1950.
The only person you can't date at work today is your own boss or anyone who reports to you. Otherwise, you’re free to date someone who works down the hall from you or in the next cubicle. If you date a coworker, it’s good to clue in your manager before he or she hears about you and your sweetie from another source.
That’s easy enough; if the two of you work for the same person, you can pick a time when your boss is in his or her office, pop in there and have a little chat.
“Janice,” you can say, “we just wanted to let you know that Tom and I are an item,  before you hear it from someone else. There’s not much more to say about that, but we wanted you to know.” Give Janice a moment. She may blink a couple of times, because with all the elaborate scripts we've composed for all the standard workplace rites and rituals, we don't have a script for this one.
“Okay, then,” Janice may finally bleat, at which point you and Tom can make your exit. Case closed! As long as the two of you comport yourself the way you always have, that should be the end of the drama.
It probably goes without saying that you and your honey bun must resist the urge to get too cozy in the office or anywhere nearby, like the luncheonette on the corner where half your workmates eat every day. I know what you're thinking; there hasn't been a luncheonette in this country in forty years.
The same advice goes for any public place where your innocent workmates would be forced to witness two of their colleagues snuggling or worse, arguing in the way that only couples can do.
I met my husband at work in 1984, and nothing terrible happened. We dated for a couple of years as co-workers. I was the head of HR in our company, and everybody knew my boyfriend and I were a couple. No one freaked out, because it was 1984 and people weren't quite as westernized back then as they are today.
Anyway, there were lots of couples in our company at any given time. Most of us in the office were young, and people were pairing up and splitting up and dating different co-workers all the time. Our work was never disrupted and I don't remember any problems associated with the social permutations at all. Work, if we are honest, is a social place anyway.
A workplace is a community. We can pretend all we want that work is all starch and policy, but in the real world that’s never true. The best thing for a manager to do about workplace romance is to stay the heck out of it. People will always be people, and thank goodness for that!
Happy Valentines Day to you and your sweetheart, wherever you met. Pheromones don’t stop flying just because you're in a wood-paneled conference room. Mother Nature is in charge, and she’s never too shy to let us know it!

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